Darkest Dungeon Dmg Mod Meancleverbridal

  1. Darkest Dungeon Dmg Mod
  2. Darkest Dungeon Crit Mod

Dmg mod reduces the dmg of the skill based on what it is, rarely single target skills that arent debuffs/buffs dont have a dmg mod. Another example: The stun grenade on doctor has -100% dmg mod, but it stuns the 2 back liners on the enemy team, its a really heavy AoE stun, it doesnt do any dmg because its a debuff. 'Darkest Dungeon is a difficult game, and the Lighter Dungeon mod only eases your suffering a tiny bit. Remaining true to the core of the game and the pace of it was the priority when designing.

Darkest Dungeon Dmg Mod

Jun 23, 2018

Hello and welcome everyone to this (hopefully) short and semi-informative guide. In this guide I'll be showing you how to edit hero stats (i.e. change the crusader's damage from 5 to 500 or something crazy like that and make your game less unbearable. Let's get right into it.

Finding the Game Files to Edit

Here you'll be looking for the game file.
So first off you're going to want to go into the game's folder, so go into the main game file,
(Local Disk (C:) > Program Files (x86) > Steam > steamapps > common > DarkestDungeon ). Now select the 'heroes' folder.
Here you can see all of the hero files. For this guide we will be changing up the crusader a little bit.Mod
You'll also be glad to know that this method works for ALL of the hero files.

Editing the Game Files

Now that we've found the files lets dive right into it! Select the 'crusader.info.darkest' file, from here you'll need notepad++ to edit the file.
But first make sure to copy the original file somewhere on your computer!Copy and paste the original info.darkest file somewhere, anywhere on your PC.
I recommend creating another folder on your desktop, and copypasting the original file into it.This is so that should you want to make the game normal again, you can simply move and replace the original over the edited one.
Now that you've copied the original file, it's time to get into changing the game! Here's where you need Notepad++. Right-click on the .info.darkest file and select the 'edit with Notepad++ ' option.
Once you're in you'll be met with this beautiful T H I C C chunk of text, but don't be intimidated.
The reason why there are a lot of repeats is because of leveling. The first lines of each section represent the hero at, say, level 0. And then it scales upwards (i.e. lvl 2, lvl 3, lvl4, lvl5, etc.).
I've gone and highlighted the different sections in red for you in hopes that things might be easier. Anyway, moving on:
So if you want to change up the damage your character deals, simply go to the first section highlighted, and change the '.dmg 6 12' to '.dmg x x'
x being any number you want. The reason there are two numbers is so that the damage varies (e.g. your character hits stuff with a damage of 6-12.). If you don't want to vary damage, simply double the digits, for example: '.dmg 500 500'.
WARNING: Spacing is SUPER important, so make sure all of your spaces are correct!
For attack and defense percentages, they essentially act as mulitpliers for stats. Play around with them, the higher the percentage (you can go over 100% if you want) the stronger the damage!
The .dmg -50% means that the damage your character ability deals will be reduced by 50%, so if you don't want a reduction put it to 0%. Or possibly increase it... Although I would not recommend that as I personally have not tried it.
If you want to change where the heroes can hit, simply edit the '.launch' and '.target' numbers to '4321' and '1234' or whatever you want it to be.
The numbers represent the position the characters can be in in order to use their abilities. So by changing combat skill smite's '.launch' to 4321, it will allow the crusader to be in any position to use that ability.
For .targets, the '~' sign is the multiple strike capability. So by adding '~1234' to an ability, you're allowing the hero to be able to strike all 4 enemies with the ability.
WARNING: Once again, ORDER IS IMPORTANT. Do NOT change .launch and .target's ordering around (Keep .launch's '4321' like that, and .target's '1234' just like that) otherwise you will jack your game up.Darkest Dungeon Dmg Mod Meancleverbridal
Now that you've edited your files, save it (file > save) and you're set! Exit the editor and play the game! It should work instantly so there's no need to start a new game.
Recommended for You:Meancleverbridal
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The crowdfunded Darkest Dungeon is finally out in full retail form for PC, and it's everything you've ever wanted in an extremely difficult dungeon crawler.

The deadly combat and dark atmosphere bring to mind the Warhammer pen and paper RPG, while the backstory and enemies are Lovecraftian to the max. A very satisfying combination.

Since your party members will be dying frequently, coming up with new and more useful party combinations for any given area of the game is a huge key to successfully making your way through the Darkest Dungeon.

For more info on staying sane and alive longer, check out:

Darkest Dungeon Party Composition Basics

In general, you always want someone with healing capabilities and ranged attacks in the back (slot 4), a serious front line damage dealer at the front (slot 1), and then any combination of ranged and front line damage classes in the two interior slots, with some utility skills thrown in for good measure.

That's a solid plan for a well-rounded party, but as we'll cover below, sometimes you also want to throw balance out the window and go for broke instead.

A well-rounded party with ranged, close combat, and healing capability

Keep in mind that the best party makeup completely changes depending on location. For instance, there are less undead in the forest, so your crusader who does bonus damage to undead is less useful there. Fishmen, on the other hand, take less bleed damage, so characters focused on bleeding abilities aren't particularly helpful at the cove.

No matter how meticulously you plan out your lineup, there really isn't a perfect party combination, simply because of the game's many nefarious methods of throwing a wrench in the works. Your marching order will get rearranged against your will due to surprise, enemy attacks will re-position your ranged characters to the front row or stun your healer just when you need some extra health, and so on.

To build the best party, pay careful attention to each hero's quirks, which are randomized and can change over time either by using curios in the dungeon or gaining new quirks at the end of quests. A Crusader with the Unholy Hater and Ruins Tacticians quirks, for instance, will annihilate undead in the ruins area and can carry the whole party if you keep him alive.

Its also important to note the effectiveness of these combos can change drastically depending on how far you've upgraded any given hero's skills and equipment. Upgrades aren't cheap, but they are important. Trinkets can play a huge role in changing a party's utility as well – a group outfitted with speed boosting equipment is going to get off the proper attack combinations more effectively than a starting group with nothing special equipped.

Darkest Dungeon Well Rounded Starting Party

Darkest Dungeon Crit Mod

Slot 4: Vestal
Slot 3: Plague Doctor
Slot 2: Highwayman
Slot 1: Crusader

Basic, but effective

This is the basic starter group of dungeon delvers you'll likely build when first getting access to the trade caravan, and it remains surprisingly effective for many different areas of the game.

The Vestal can handle healing and ranged attacks of course, while the Plague Doctor offers stun abilities and corpse removal. The Crusader and Highwayman can switch off, with the Highwayman taking the front to use Point Blank Shot when facing anything other than undead, or using Open Vein against those enemies with high protection values.

While there's a good deal of balance here, there are other Darkest Dungeon party combos that are much more effective in specific locations or against particular enemies.

Darkest Dungeon Stunning Party Combo

Slot 4: Plague Doctor
Slot 3: Bounty Hunter
Slot 2: Bounty Hunter
Slot 1: Hellion

The party that stuns together, stays together!

This party combo is all about preventing the enemy from getting to attack at all. Half your group will always be devoted to stunning the enemies, while the other half will be focused entirely on dealing as much damage as possible before stunned monsters can recover.

The Plague Doctor should be using Blinding Gas every round to stun the back row or Disorienting Blast to hit the second slot enemy and clear out corpses. The Bounty Hunters use Flashbang for stunning or Finish Him to deal extra damage against stunned enemies. Your front row Hellion can also stun with Barbaric Yawp, but ideally she should be mopping up those stunned enemies with Wicked Hack or Breakthrough.

This can be a devastatingly effective composition – but it's rendered significantly less useful when facing monsters with high stun resistance, or if you don't have the right trinkets to increase your chances of successfully landing the stuns.

Darkest Dungeon Bleeding Party Combo

Slot 4: Houndmaster
Slot 3: Occultist
Slot 2: Hellion
Slot 1: Hellion

The bleeding party combo

This insidious party combo is all about draining every enemy with bleed effects every round, which is incredibly useful against monsters with high protection levels, as bleed isn't affected by the protection stat.

Your front line Hellions should, of course, be deploying If It Bleeds whenever possible, while the Hound Master takes advantage of the Hound's Harry skill. The Occultist offers up an interesting bleed effect with Wyrd Reconstruction, which actually heals a party member better than the Vestal can, but has a chance to cause bleeding damage, so make sure you've got resistance to bleed effects yourself!

Against low health enemies where bleeding effects aren't useful, the Hellion's can still make use of strong normal melee attacks.

Darkest Dungeon Abomination Party Combination

Slot 4: Houndmaster
Slot 3: Houndmaster
Slot 2: Abomination
Slot 1: Abomination

The Abomination party combo

Abominations are incredibly potent in combat when transformed into beast mode, but they are balanced out by the fact that each transformation increases your party's stress. Several other classes will refuse to associate with Abominations at all – including the Vestal, Crusader, and Leper – and simply won't join a party containing a hero with this class.

To make the most of these powerhouses, put two Houndmasters in the back row, as their Cry Havoc ability removes stress, offsetting the Abomination's main drawback.

This is also a great self-sustaining party, since the Abominations can heal themselves, either by using the Absolution skill or simply by transforming back into human mode.

Darkest Dungeon Point Blank Shot Party Composition

Slot 4: Vestal
Slot 3: Occultist
Slot 2: Highwayman
Slot 1: Highwayman

The Point Blank Shot party combo

Point Blank Shot can be a very useful front line combat ability, while the Highwayman's Grapeshot Blast also offers area of effect opportunities when needed. Deploy the Daemon's Pull ability of the Occultist to position the toughest enemy up front for your next Point Blank Shot.

The Vestal keeps everyone alive, but for a twist, swap her out with the Plague Doctor, since that class can easily remove the corpses that will be made by Point Blank Shot and has the added utility of stun abilities.

Darkest Dungeon Marking Party Combo

Slot 4: Arbalest
Slot 3: Arbalest
Slot 2: Bounty Hunter
Slot 1: Bounty Hunter

The marking focused party

This squad of heroes is focused on taking on tough, high HP and protection enemies, rather than large numbers of weak enemies. The idea here is to have half your team marking an enemy, while the other half uses abilities that deal much more damage on marked foes.

You need some versatility here between ranged and melee attacks though, which is why two Arbalests and two Bounty Hunters works out best, as both can mark and both deal extra damage to marked opponents. Alternatively, you could swap out one member of the group with a Hound Master for a little more utility.

Go wild and try out some unique party combinations!

These were the party combos we've been having the most fun with or found the most useful. Be sure to let us know your favorite party combo that makes delving into the Darkest Dungeon less difficult!