Download Latex Editor For Mac

  1. Download Latex Editor For Mac Shortcut
  2. Download Latex Editor For Mac Download

Texmaker is a LaTex editing tool that includes PDF viewer and it is a Qt application. This Latex editor may be useful for macOS, Windows, and Linux OS, which comprises several tools, essential for the development of LaTeX in only one app. The UI of Texmaker looks like other editing systems, available in the market. Download Kile LaTeX editor for Windows, Linux, and macOS. JEdit LaTeX editor supports cross-platform such as Windows, Mac OS X, Debian, and Linux. It is also open-source free to use tool for all LaTeX documentation needs. Further to add, it supports extensible plugin architecture making it one the best LaTeX editors for a reason. Compositor, the WYSIWYG LaTeX Editor for Mac. The DVI Viewer Is The New Editor. In a traditional LaTeX workflow, you would edit the LaTeX source in a text editor, compile the document every now and then, and check the effects of your changes in the DVI viewer. When you launch the editor you will see a very sparse interface: a title bar, a menu bar, two small toolbars, a large typing zone (white) and, at the bottom, a status bar. This is the source/editor window and if you have already typeset the document previously, the resulting.pdf will be displayed on the right hand side in the preview window.

Skim is a PDF reader and note-taker for OS X. It is designed to help you read and annotate scientific papers in PDF, but is also great for viewing any PDF file.

Stop printing and start skimming.

Explore the links to the left to investigate Skim and consider helping out with the project.


  • Viewing PDFs
  • Adding and editing notes
  • Highlighting important text, including one-swipe highlight modes
  • Making 'snapshots' for easy reference
  • Navigation using table of contents or thumbnails, with visual history
  • View all your notes and highlights
  • Convenient reading in full screen
  • Giving powerful presentations, with built-in transitions
  • Handy preview of internal links
  • Focus using a reading bar
  • Magnification tool
  • Smart cropping tools
  • Extensive AppleScript support
  • Bookmarks
  • Saving passwords in Keychain
  • Export notes as text
  • Automatic download of remote PDFs
  • Support for Apple Remote Control
  • Interaction with LaTeX, SyncTeX, and PDFSync
  • Integration with BibDesk and other third party applications
  • Spotlight support
  • Highly customizable
  • And much more...

Ipe is a drawing editor for creating figures in PDF format. Itsupports making small figures for inclusion into LaTeX-documents aswell as making multi-page PDF presentations.

Download Latex Editor For Mac Shortcut

Ipe's main features are:

  • Entry of text as LaTeX source code. This makes it easy to enter mathematical expressions, and to reuse the LaTeX-macros of the main document. In the display text is displayed as it will appear in the figure.
  • Produces pure PDF, including the text. Ipe converts the LaTeX-source to PDF when the file is saved.
  • It is easy to align objects with respect to each other (for instance, to place a point on the intersection of two lines, or to draw a circle through three given points) using various snapping modes.
  • Users can provide ipelets (Ipe plug-ins) to add functionality to Ipe. This way, Ipe can be extended for each task at hand.
  • Ipe can be compiled for Unix, Windows, and OSX.
  • Ipe is written in standard C++ and Lua 5.3..

You can like Ipe onFacebook.

You can find more information about Ipe features in the manual.

Download the current Ipe version

The current version of Ipe is Ipe 7.2.23.

I'm making four downloads of Ipe available: a binary distribution forWindows, a binary package for Mac OS X, binary packages for severalLinux-distributions, and a source package that should compile on anyrecent Unix system.

Windows binary package

For 64-bit

For 32-bit

Unzip this package somewhere on your Windows computer. This packagerequires at least Windows 7.

Mac OS X binary package

Download this disk image and copy onto your Mac runningOSX 10.10 or higher.

For MacOS, IpePresenter isprovided as a separate app. Copy onto yourMac.

If you are still using OSX 10.6 to 10.8, you can use Ipe 7.1.10 fromhere: ipe-7.1.10-mac.dmg

If you are using OSX 10.9, you can use Ipe 7.2.7 from here:ipe-7.2.7-mac.dmg

Linux binary packages

Several Linux distributions (including Debian, Ubuntu, Linux Mint,Fedora, Arch Linux) offer an ipe package, which you can installthrough the distribution's package manager.

It takes a while for a new Ipe version to make it into a distribution,especially the long-term stable distributions. Thanks to thewonderful openSuse build service, Ican provide Ipe installation packages for several recent Linuxdistributions, currently Debian, Ubuntu, Mint, Raspbian, Fedora, andopenSuse. (On archlinux, you can rely on the official package, which is alwaysquite up to date.)

Before you install these packages, remove any old Ipe version youinstalled through your distribution's package manager!

You need to know your distribution (use lsb_release -a if youare not sure) and whether you are running a 32-bit or 64-bitdistribution (use uname -m if you are not sure: if the outputis x86_64, you have a 64-bit distribution).

Debian, Ubuntu, Mint, Raspbian

For these Debian-based distributions, download a DEB-package accordingto the following table.

Distribution 64 bit 32 bit
Debian 9.0 ipe_7.2.23-3_amd64.debipe_7.2.23-3_i386.deb
Debian 10 ipe_7.2.23-3_amd64.debipe_7.2.23-3_i386.deb
Debian Testing ipe_7.2.23-3_amd64.deb
Debian Unstable ipe_7.2.23-3_amd64.deb
Raspbian 9.0 ipe_7.2.23-3_armhf.deb
Raspbian 10.0 ipe_7.2.23-3_armhf.deb
Ubuntu 16.04 and Mint 18 ipe_7.2.23-3_amd64.debipe_7.2.23-3_i386.deb
Ubuntu 18.04 and Mint 19 ipe_7.2.23-3_amd64.debipe_7.2.23-3_i386.deb
Ubuntu 19.04 ipe_7.2.23-3_amd64.debipe_7.2.23-3_i386.deb
Ubuntu 20.04 and Mint 20 ipe_7.2.23-3_amd64.deb
Ubuntu 20.10 ipe_7.2.23-3_amd64.deb
Then install the package by saying:
  • For the 32 bit version:
  • For the 64 bit version:
To remove Ipe again, use

Fedora and openSuse

For these distributions you need to download an RPM-package,according to the following table.

Distribution 64 bit (x86_64) 32 bit (i686) armv7hl
Fedora 32 ipe_7.2.23-131.1_x86_64.rpmipe_7.2.23-131.1_i686.rpmipe_7.2.23-131.1_armv7hl.rpm
Fedora 33 ipe_7.2.23-131.1_x86_64.rpmipe_7.2.23-131.1_i686.rpmipe_7.2.23-131.1_armv7hl.rpm
Fedora Rawhide ipe_7.2.23-131.1_x86_64.rpm
openSuse Leap 15.1 ipe_7.2.23-131.1_x86_64.rpm
openSuse Leap 15.2 ipe_7.2.23-131.1_x86_64.rpm
openSuse Tumbleweed ipe_7.2.23-131.1_x86_64.rpm
May the source be with you
Latex editor for mac free download

This includes sources to build Ipe, as well as the Ipe documentation.See the install.txt file for instructions.

Ipe merchandise

Are you an Ipe fan? You can show everybody by wearing the Ipe T-shirt, and sponsor Ipedevelopment at the same time.

Sponsor Ipe development

You now have the opportunity to become a member of the community that sponsors Ipe's development.


Download Latex Editor For Mac

After the manual, your second source of useful information, examplefiles, or answers to frequently asked questions is the Ipe 7 Wiki. The ideais that Ipe users add useful tips and tricks, or anything related toIpe here.


Mailing lists

There are two mailing lists for Ipe. The first mailing list is usedsolely to announce new versions of Ipe, and perhaps new ipelets thatmay be interesting to a broad audience. Traffic on this list is verylight, as most messages on this list come from me. You can subscribeto the announcement listhere.

The second list is used to discuss Ipe. You can subscribehere.Please don't use it to report bugs—the bug tracker is much better atthat.

Both lists are maintained by René van Oostrum. Thank you!


Ipe now comes with a companion program IpePresenter.IpePresenter is a presentation tool to show PDF presentations (madewith Ipe or with the beamer Latex package)—see theIpePresenter homepage fordetails.

IpePresenter is included in the binary packages for Ipe on Windows andLinux, and is also available as a separate binary package (withoutIpe) for Windows and MacOS.

Reporting bugs

Before reporting a bug, please verify that you have the latest Ipeversion, and check that the problem is not explained in thefrequently asked questions on the Ipe 7 Wiki. Please do not sendbug reports directly to me (the first thing I would do with yourreport is to enter it into the bug tracker).

To report bugs, please use the Ipe bug tracker(click on New issue).


The extensible drawing editor Ipe is 'free,' this means thateveryone is free to use it and free to redistribute it on certainconditions. Ipe is not in the public domain; it is copyrightedand there are restrictions on its distribution as follows:

Copyright © 1993–2020 Otfried Cheong

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modifyit under the terms of the Gnu General Public License aspublished by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of theLicense, or (at your option) any later version.

As a special exception, you have permission to link Ipe with the CGALlibrary and distribute executables, as long as you follow therequirements of the Gnu General Public License in regard to all of thesoftware in the executable aside from CGAL.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, butwithout any warranty; without even the implied warranty ofmerchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.See the Gnu General Public License for more details.

Other downloads

Older Ipe versions can be found

Several separate programs are available from theipe-tools repository on GitHub.These are available in source form only.


svgtoipe converts SVG figures to Ipe format. It cannot handleeverything in SVG, but should work for geometric objects andgradients. This program is actually a Python script.


Do you prefer to create your presentations in Ipe? But yourbosses/colleagues/clients keep asking for Powerpoint files?

Fear no more! Poweripe is a Python script that translates anIpe presentation into a Powerpoint presentation.


pdftoipe converts arbitrary PDF files to Ipe's XML format, orat least it tries to. You'll need the poppler library to compile it.

Download Latex Editor For Mac Download

Ipe Python module

ipepython is an extension module for Python 3 that allows youto read and write Ipe documents and to process all the informationinside.

Matplotlib backend

Matplotlib is a Python module for scientific plotting. With thisbackend, you can create Ipe figures directly from matplotlib.


figtoipe converts figures made with Xfig to Ipe's XML format.It does not handle all the features of Xfig. figtoipe wasimproved and is currently maintained by Alexander Bürger. Thank you!


If you still have figures that were made with Ipe 5, you can use thisprogram to convert them to the format understood by Ipe 6. You canthen run ipe6upgrade to convert them to Ipe 7 format. Thesource to ipe5toxml is in the public domain.